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MQ 2 Gas Sensor for LPG, Hydrogen, and Propane Detection

36 kr
SKU 9529
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Download Guidelines for MQ2 Gas Sensor

This small gas sensor can detect LPG, propane, and hydrogen concentration. The MQ-2 Gas Sensor is a compact 2.5V ~ 5.0V module suitable for small applications. As the concentration level of the gas rises, the output voltage boost increases.

Features of MQ-2 Gas Sensor for LPG, Hydrogen, and Propane Detection

  • Fast response
  • Fast recovery
  • Features boost circuit
  • Sensitivity is adjustable
  • Output signal indicator
  • Detects concentration levels of propane, LPG, and hydrogen gas

Specifications of MQ-2 Gas Sensor for LPG, Hydrogen, and Propane Detection

  • 2.5V ~ 5.0V Operating Voltage
  • 2.0mm Mounting Holes
  • Weight just 11 grams
  • Compact Size: 40 x 21 (mm) | 4 x 2.1 (cm)

Using MQ-2 Gas Sensor with an MCU

  • MCU.IO Digital Output – DOUT
  • MCU.IO Analog Output – AOUT
  • Ground Power Supply – GND
  • 2.5V ~ 5.0V – VCC

Items Included

  • 1x Gas Sensor (MQ-2)
  • 1x 4-PIN Jumper Wire (Custom Connector)